Hey guyz,
SUNRAS VERMICOMPoST” Welcomes you to that type of mo0st
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Where you will get all information about organic
And it is life changing opportunity for you all or advance hybrid bindary and
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I want to give some information about SUNRAS VERMICOMPOST PVT
Sunras Vermicompost Private Limited was incepted in the year 2021, in Bharatpur (Rajasthan). The company is being proficiently managed by Mr. Suneel Kumar, the Director of the company. Under their able guidance, the company has seen immense growth and development. Moreover, the
company has become the prime Manufacturer and Supplier
Vermicompost, Organic Manure, Plant Growth Regulator, Agriculture Seeds and Organic Foods&Vegetables.
WEB LINK: https://www.sunrasorganics.in/
Some more about INFRASTRUCTURE
We have backed up with huge and advanced manufacturing unit, which is spread over an area of 5 acre. We have qualified team of supervisors to ensure that our products are high in quality and effective.
We have a team of competent, experienced and skilled professionals act as one of the major building block behind our company success. Our team follow ethical and transparent business practices
Growth enzymes such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potash and Micro Nutrients.
Good health of Plants are protected from the disease caused by mites.
A significant increase in power output of the plant.
Beneficial in the development of each & every plant.
Vermiwash fertilizer cost is cheaper than chemical fertilizers and micro nutrients.
No side effect to plant and soil Spray & Drip, can be given in the soil.
Can be used with every type of Insecticide and Fungicides.
Usage- 5%, 10% of the amount to be served.
Suneel Kumar is a well qualified and disciplined personality as he was serving in Indian Army as best Para Commando for 22 years. He is from a farmer family and has a clear vision to provide pure & organic product to the whole world. To achieve his vision and mission he came up with the idea of producing organic vermicompost fertilizer & food products. He believes in helping others to become successful in their life and fulfil their dreams.
Suneel Kumar’s success can equally be measured by his determination of providing quality work and ethics.
Make a thought, make that thought your life, think of it, dream of it, live that thought. Let your brain, muscles, nerves, every part of the body be immersed in that thought and put all the rest of the thought aside. Keep it up, this is the way to be successful.
– Success is not a matter of coincidence, it is the result of our attitude and we choose our own attitude. That’s why success doesn’t come by chance, we choose it ourselves.
Stairs are made for those who have to go to the roof, eyes that look at the height of sky make their own way.
– Work so hard, work so hard, work so hard that even hard work is forced to think that in whose fate I have come.
– What is common between mind and Parasuit? They only work when they are open. Otherwise……….. I will not say. You all know
० एक विचार बना लो, उस विचार को अपना जीवन बना लो, उसके बारे में सोचो, उसके सपने देखो, उस विचार को जियो | अपने मस्तिष्क, मासपेशियों, नसों शरीर के हर हिस्से को उस विचार में डूब जाने दो और बाकी सब विचारों को किनारे रख दो यही सफल होने का तरीका है |
० सफलता इत्तेफ़ाक़ की देन नहीं है यह हमारे नज़रिये का नतीजा होता है और अपना नजरिया हम खुद ही चुनते हैं | इसलिए सफलता इत्तेफ़ाक़ से नहीं मिलती इसे हम खुद चुनते हैं |
० सीढ़ियां उनके लिए बनी हैं जिन्हे छत पर जाना है आसमान पर होगी जिनकी नज़र उन्हें तो रास्ता खुद बनाना है|
० इतनी मेहनत करो, इतनी मेहनत करो, इतनी मेहनत करो कि मेहनत भी ये सोचने पर मजबूर हो जाए कि मेरा किस से पाला पड़ गया, कि में किसके भाग्य में आ गयी |
० आपके दिमाग में और पैरासूट में क्या समानता है? वे तभी काम करते हैं जब वो खुले हों | अन्यथा ………… में बोलूंगा नहीं | आप सब जानते हैं |
सुनील कुमार
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