Get your 365 Mixed Fruit & Grain Bars here:
Food eating 1:00
Food review 1:39
Rated a 4.7 out of 5 stars!
We hope this helped you find your foodz! Remember to say Grace before your meals. We must not forget that all these gifts are from God who nourishes us all and gave us the wisdom and strength to endure anything. Amen and have a Blessed Day!
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TikTok: @foodzfolkz
No price is given in this video because it was a gift, or the price is not the same in your country, and the price shouldn’t matter if you really want food. These food reviews are just my opinions and everyone is different. You’ll just have to taste it to find out that these are your FOODZ FOLKZ! Also, some of these links may or may not give me commissions. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
#365WholeFoodsMarket #mixedberry #FruitGrainBars